Ir Dr. Raymond Cheung
Head of Geotechnical Engineering Office
Civil Engineering and Development Department, The HKSAR Government
Ir Dr Raymond Cheung has more than thirty years’ experience in civil and geotechnical engineering. He has been involved in a number of mega infrastructure projects in Hong Kong under the Airport Core Programme, including the Airport Railway, Chek Lap Kok International Airport reclamation and Western Harbour Crossing, before joining the Hong Kong SAR Government in the late 1990s. He has published tens of technical papers and one book on various fields of civil and geotechnical engineering. He is a member of various international technical committees such as Technical Committee 205 (Safety and Serviceability) of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE), the School Scientific Committee of Landslide Risk Assessment and Mitigation (LARAM), and the International Network on Landslide Early Warning Systems (LandAware). He is currently Head of the Geotechnical Engineering Office (GEO) of the Civil Engineering and Development Department overseeing control of geotechnical works, setting geotechnical standards, mining operation and quarrying, tunneling and underground space development, the Landslip Prevention and Mitigation Programme, and the landslide emergency services.