Alice PANG, JP
Drainage Services Department, The HKSAR Government
Ms Alice PANG is the Director of Drainage Services Department (DSD) of the Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. She has a MEng in Civil and Structural Engineering from the University of Sheffield, UK. She is also a member of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers. Ms PANG has been working in various works departments and participated in numerous mega-infrastructural works. Ms PANG is now leading over 2,000 no. of professional, technical and administrative staff in DSD to provide world-class wastewater and stormwater drainage services, with an objective to alleviate the flood risk and improve the environmental conditions, enabling the sustainable development of Hong Kong. DSD owns over 4,700 km drains/sewers, and about 360 sewage treatment works and pumping stations. Various large-scale projects are being implemented to uplift the flood protection level and sewage treatment capacity to meet the development need of Hong Kong and the challenges brought by climate change. DSD also promotes innovative concept and technologies, for examples, to adopt blue-green infrastructure approach to strengthen the drainage system, to implement treated effluent reuse projects, as well as to enhance services level through continuous research and development using artificial intelligence, robotics, and more renewable energies.